Thursday, October 8, 2020

Are We There Yet?

     Hello, Friends!  Fall is here, and with it, the holiday festivities are beginning.  Halloween decorations are going up, and Christmas items are already for sale at stores across the country. Holidays can be great because they are filled with joy and excitement, but what if we could live with joy and excitement all year long?  What if you could truly create a life you love living? 

    For many of us, when we think of our ideal life, we might think of white sandy beaches and crystal clear ocean waters.  Or maybe of mountain retreats or luxurious food and drinks.  But while many of us think having more and doing more is the secret to a fulfilling life, we miss the fact that the true joy is in the journey, not just in the destination.  

    Getting away to the ocean is one of my favorite things, and there is nothing I love more than taking friends and family with me to spend time with enjoying food, conversation, and activities.  But someone once said, "Create a life you don't need to escape from."  What a powerful statement.  This isn't to say you won't still want to go on vacation, but that vacations and trips are just the cherry on top of a very rewarding ice cream life. 

    So how do you create your ideal life even if you don't wake up tomorrow as a multimillionaire?  It starts with assessing what you truly want.  What is is about your imaginary ideal life that truly has meaning?  Is it more free time?  Doing certain activities you love?  Spending time with people you admire?  Whatever it is that has meaning to you, that is the first thing you should start to aim for as you create a life worth living.  If family time is the most important thing for you, then plan your life around that.  Make your family time sacred, and cater your job and other priorities to that.  Maybe you have a passion or feel called to create something, then make that your focus. Write out what is most important to you, and you will start to see what you should invest in. When you have your priorities in line, you can direct your time, money, and energy towards what matters most to you, and this in and of itself creates a shift towards a very fulfilling life. 

    Secondly, begin to develop routines that fit your life goals.  When you envision your perfect life, how do you envision yourself?  Are you in peak physical shape?  Do you have lots of friends?  Are you a great conversationalist?  Whatever you envision yourself as, start building routines into your life that will help you fit the idea you have created in your head.  If you envision yourself as healthy, then start choosing healthier routines in your daily life.  If you picture yourself surrounded by friends, then start making more friends.  Join a club or group where you can meet new people.  As you create routines that fit your ideal vision of who you want to become, you will find that your days are enjoyable because you are becoming more and more like the person you want to be. 

    Lastly, determine what elements of your picturesque ideal life you can incorporate easily into your life right now.  Maybe you enjoy daily walks on the beach when you are on vacation.  Can you incorporate an outdoor walk into your life now?  Perhaps it's going out to eat, or sharing a meal with family that brings you joy.  Can you find ways to make this happen in your everyday life?  You don't have to save those special moments for the few times a year when you are on vacation or holiday break.  Find ways to incorporate the elements you love throughout your regular life.  

    As you start to focus your life around the things you truly care about, create routines which help you become who you want to be, and incorporate special elements throughout your day and week, you will find that your life becomes a beautiful journey, rather than constantly asking yourself, "Are we there yet?"  Don't spend your life saying, "I'll be happy when..." (vacation comes, I retire, the kids move out, I get a raise, ect...).  Find ways to be filled with joy now, and make everyday a day you are excited about.  I can't wait to see you succeed!



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