Thursday, October 1, 2020

Finish Strong

    Hey Friends!  Fall is here, and we are 92 days away from the end of 2020.  Can you believe it?  If you're like me, this year has probably looked and felt a lot different than you expected, and you may have had to change your goals and expectations multiple times during this ever shifting year.  I hope you have used this year to re-evaluate, figure out what truly matters, and pursue your passions more than ever before.  But the year isn't over, and if you had a rough go of it, you can still make this year count.  

    Many people give up and check out by this point in the year. After all, school has started, the holidays will soon be upon us, and at this point you mind as well wait until New Year's and start fresh, right?  Wrong!  There is so much potential in the end of the year.  Now is the time to attack new habits and to finish 2020 strong.  Now is the time to establish new and stronger habits so that when you set those New Year's intentions, you are going into 2021 with momentum.  

    If you're fired up and ready to crush the end of this year, or maybe you still need a little convincing,  here are a few habits/challenges I participate in, and you can too to finish this year with a bang.  

1.  Last 90 Days with Rachel Hollis

    Ok, so this is a new one for me this year, but it's a challenge I'm really excited about.  Rachel Hollis is a life coach/author/all around motivator, and she offers a FREE last 90 days challenge.  If you haven't gotten in on this, SIGN UP!  Here's the link: Last90Days

If you are looking to really kick it up a notch for the end of the year, and also be motivated and inspired by a community of people and free teaching, then you won't want to miss this. 

2.  Planksgiving

    Ok, so this one might sound a bit corny, but Planksgiving is no joke.  I participate every year, and it is a challenge.  If you google Planksgiving, you will come up with any number of routines you can follow.  Here's the one I have been doing every November for years:  Planksgiving Challenge

See if you can complete the whole challenge, and feel free to post your progress on my social media page. @KLWhiteHartman.  Nothing like coming out of Turkey Day with stronger abs.

3.  Declutter Challenge

    This is something I like to do at the end of the year because it helps get the house in order before Christmas  comes and my child comes home with a massive haul of new toys that we have to find space for.  It's also a great way to start the year with a clean home and fresh space.  You can find any number of decluttering challenges online.  You can go by room or by number of items to get rid of per day.  

I like the idea of getting rid of the number of items that coincide with the day... for example, on day 1 you get rid of 1 item, on day 15 you get rid of 15 items, ect...  This can be a simple and quick way to help you clear out all that extra clutter.  If you need ideas, just type "declutter challenge" into Google.  

    No matter if you choose all three of these challenges, or pick some of your own, I encourage you to not waste the end of this year.  How you finish this year sets you up for how you start the New Year.  Finish strong and begin 2021 with your motivation high.  I can't wait to see you succeed!


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