Thursday, November 12, 2020

Can I Recycle That?

   Hi Friends! I was thinking today about the concept of something wasted verses something recycled. When we think of waste we think of something as being lost, ruined, useless, not worth keeping, or unprofitable. When we recycle something, we find new value in it. We create something new from it. We give it a new purpose, and we use it again. 

  Have you ever heard the phrase that you can either lose or you can learn? Our life experiences and choices are a lot like those two receptacles in the picture. When you go through a negative experience or make a poor choice, you can toss it out as a waste, or you can choose to recycle it. How you use your failures makes a world of difference in how quickly you learn to succeed. Thomas Watson Jr., second president for IBM said, “If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate.”

  When you recycle your failures you learn from them, see how you can benefit and adjust your course from them, and possibly even use them again in a more profitable way. (For example, using your loss to help someone else avoid making the same mistake.) 

  Learning to recycle your failures is one of the most valuable skills you can develop on your road to success. Don’t throw out experiences you could gain from. Ask yourself instead, “What can I learn from this? And how can I use this experience for my good and the good of others?” When you learn to recycle your failures, you will propel yourself forward towards your dreams and goals. Stop wasting what you have. Recycle instead! I can’t wait to see you succeed! 


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