Thursday, November 19, 2020

Enjoy Your Flight

  Good Morning, Friends! Last week I was preparing for take off from Orlando to Charlotte. The flight attendants were going through the normal safety procedures... put your mask on before helping others, flotation device is under your seat, etc. The pilot came on and welcomed us to our flight, and then he said these words, “We hope you enjoy your flight.” I don’t know why it stuck out to me this time. I’m sure this is probably standard preflight talk. But it grabbed my attention, and my first thought was, “Who enjoys a flight?” Not that I hate flying, but it seems more like one of those things you endure, rather than enjoy. It’s the mundane, somewhat annoying thing you have to do to get to where to where you want to be. 

  But then again, if you can’t find joy in the journey, you won’t find joy when you arrive either. Ever heard that saying? So here’s my thought. I could choose to enjoy my flight, right? I could make a conscious decision that rather than just endure my flight as a necessary evil, I could enjoy my flight, savor the chance to read or to look out the window, to see the world from new heights. I could take time to get to know someone near me or talk to my husband. I could find ways to enjoy the flight, just like we can find ways to enjoy the journey towards out goals and dreams. 

  It’s so easy to get caught up in, "I’ll be happy when..." But how about choosing joy now, whether you’re sitting on the beach or doing the dishes for the tenth time today. So many of us are just enduring our lives thinking we will enjoy them when we arrive at our preferred destination. Don’t let life just pass you by. Your life is not just the mountain tops, it’s in the climb, the day in, day out struggle to get to the summit. We can change how we view the mundane, and let me tell you, that makes the journey a whole lot better. Enjoy your flight. 

I can’t wait to see you succeed.


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