Thursday, December 24, 2020

A Christmas Blog


Hello there, and Merry Christmas!  If you are a nerd like me, you might have read A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, or if you're not, you've probably at least seen the movie and know the idea.  And, (spoiler alert), in the story, Ebenezer Scrooge is taken by three ghosts to view scenes from his past, present, and future. While I don't expect any of us to be taken on a wild adventure such as this on Christmas Eve, I do think it would do us good if, like Scrooge, we took time this season to consider our past, present, and future.  


As you look back over the past few months, years, and your life, what are you focusing on?  Are you looking at all the hurts, injustices, frustrations, and negative things that have happened to you?  Are you replaying those painful memories again and again?  If you are, you are poisoning your present.  We all have hurts and negative circumstances in our past, but we also all have positive, good, and uplifting things in our past, and the great news is, when you revisit the past memories, you get to choose which ones you want to replay.  You can choose to replay the good things that have happened to you and not dwell on the negative.  You can choose thankfulness instead of disappointment.  Don't keep dragging those old hurts into the present.  Choose to create a positive vision of your past, and you will find much more joy in the present.


This season can bring so much hustle and bustle and overall busyness into our lives that it's easy to lose sight of the real reason we celebrate.  Do not allow your present to be tainted by the overwhelm that can so easily set in this time of year.  Instead, consciously take time to slow down.  Enjoy friends and family, savor a cup of hot chocolate or eggnog, read stories or watch movies you wouldn't normally, and most of all, take time to remember the reason for the season, the gift of peace and salvation granted to us over 2,000 years ago in a stable in Bethlehem.  


There is so much leading up to Christmas, preparing food, hosting guests, shopping and wrapping gifts, that we often forget to look beyond.  We do not realize that shortly after Christmas is a new year, a time to set new goals and new intentions, to let go of the old and pursue better. As you prepare for this holiday season, take the time to think about your future and to get your goals for next year down on paper.  Then, when the holiday rush is over, you will have a clear vision of where you are headed in the coming year.  

This Christmas, you can rush through, allow negative memories to taint your thoughts, and get so busy that you forget to plan for what’s next.  Or, you can purposefully choose to be grateful for your past, be present and joyful here and  now, and be prepared with a vision for your future.  Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!  I can't wait to see you succeed!


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