Thursday, December 17, 2020


   Hello Friends! It’s the most wonderful time of the year! But if you’re anything like me it can also be the most unproductive time of the year. There are so many distractions which can pull us off course, and a lot of them are self inflicted. Staying up late to wrap presents or watch holiday movies, eating sugary cookies and junk food at holiday parties, and dealing with interrupted schedules are just a few of the distractions this time of year brings. All of these things are exciting and fun, and I’m not arguing that you abandoned them all together. But I would encourage you to finish the year with intention so you don’t leave this season feeling out of whack and as if you’ve lost your progress. Here are three ways to stay on track, while enjoying the holiday season.

1. Have a Plan

  Having a plan is crucial at any point in time, but especially during this time of year. Maybe you are trying to eat healthfully. Planning out which days are cheat days or meals around your holiday parties could help you to stay focused instead of abandoning your goal for the entire month. Preparing yourself in advance can help you navigate the detours of the holiday season. 

2.  Be Flexible 

  Holidays can interrupt our regular work, school, and family routines (as if this year hadn’t done that enough.) Going into the holidays knowing this can make a big difference in staying on track with your goals. Maybe you need to adjust your workout schedule to accommodate holiday travel. Or maybe you need to scale back your action steps for this month so you don’t overload your already busy schedule. Be flexible with yourself, and you will move through the season far more peacefully. 

3.  Pick Your Priorities

  All the shopping, gift wrapping, and entertaining can take up a lot of time, and that means you might not get as much done during the holidays as usual. That’s ok! Seasons are good. They give us an ebb and flow. If you have less time, don’t overload yourself  trying to accomplish the same work load. Instead, pick your most important priorities and stay focused on those. It’s ok to let a few of the less important things go for a few weeks. 

  This time of year can be overwhelming, but with a plan, some flexibility, and picking your priorities, you can enjoy the season and go into next year on track with your goals. Happy Holidays! I can’t wait to see you succeed! 


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