Thursday, March 4, 2021



  Hello Friends! If there is one thing I am sure of, it is that life throws you curve balls. Even the best of intentions and well laid plans can go awry. I spent the last week in beautiful Florida, escaping the cold Pennsylvania winter and getting some much needed relaxation and restoration. After a few days of blissful yoga, meditation, healthy meals, and plenty of time to read and write, I thought sure I had it figured out. 

  Fast forward to today. I went to bed last night ready to adopt my new vacation mindset, and was woke up this morning by a family member needing to go the hospital. There went my perfect plan. No yoga or meditation, no long morning with my book and a coffee. And to top it off, my son forgot to take his coat to school. It’s 29 degrees out. The best laid plans...all up in smoke. 

  This is not a pity party though. The truth is, when you develop a mindset of peace and an attitude of grace and gratitude, it’s a lot easier to go with the flow and not let these bumps throw you. I may not have had time to meditate, but because I’ve learned how to breathe and center myself, I can use that even in stressful situations. I might not have had time for coffee and reading, but I know that God hears our prayers and I can seek his presence no matter where I am. 

  If your life feels a little off course or isn’t going according to plan today, don’t sweat it. Look for small ways to incorporate the positive habits you use on your best days, and they will help you get through your worst. Breathe, pray, and move forward. I can’t wait to see you succeed! 


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