Thursday, March 11, 2021

Simple (Part 2)

   Good Morning Friends!  I know I talked to you a few weeks ago about keeping things simple, but I want to bring it up again, because it has been on my heart.  We complicate our lives so much, always looking for the newest, best things, but often the answers are simple.  Drink water, eat whole foods, sleep, move your body, celebrate the little things. 

  So often we are distracted and kept from doing things that would help us because we feel we can't meet someone else's perfect formula.  Take for example, diets.  I can't even tell you how many diets I've tried over the years.  Don't eat this, only eat that, work out this many times a day.  I have bought ridiculous amounts of groceries only to have them go bad at the end of the week because I got tired and gave up by Tuesday.  And all of these things didn't make me healthier.  In fact, they only made me feel worse about myself for being a "failure." 

    I've done workouts that I hated, and I've pushed my body to exhaustion and frustration, but the truth is, I feel at my best when I just do twenty to thirty minutes of yoga.  And I eat well and feel great when I just buy fresh meat and veggies and keep it simple.  Grilling some chicken and asparagus, cooking up a steak with some broccoli, or some fish and green beans.  There's no counting, measuring, and complicated recipes.  Simple.  And while I'm not a doctor or nutrition expert, I'm pretty sure that eating more vegetables and fresh meat and not stressing myself out at every meal is better for my health than complicated formulas, measuring and counting, and elaborate meals. 

  It seems we are always looking for the newest and best this or that to make our lives suddenly come together.  We want to look and feel "successful" in some illusionary definition of the word. In reality, the answer is probably much simpler than we think.  Read that book.  Take a walk with your spouse.  Eat the vegetables. Save the $10.  You don't have to make things overly complicated.  Being busier and more stressed out than anyone else doesn't prove anything.  Look for ways to make life simple.  I can't wait to see you succeed!


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