Saturday, November 6, 2021


   Genesis 8:22 - As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease. 

Photo credit to Holiday Homestead

  Hi friends! This week we’ve been talking about Growth. Growth is a function of nature, and it’s also a spiritual law. But it doesn’t just happen on its own. In fact, for anything to grow, there has to first be a seed. The seed must be planted in the right environment and nurtured if we are to expect any sort of a harvest. 

  This principle of growth applies to our lives also. If we desire to produce results in any area of our lives it’s going to require us to grow. But we have to start with a seed. Our seed is a plan to grow. In the same way that you choose which plants you will grow when starting a garden, you must choose which actions you will take if you want to grow.

  Once we’ve chosen our seed, we must nurture it to help it get to maturity and produce a harvest. This nurturing is the actual work of growth. It’s the getting up and working out, the picking up a book and reading, the follow through with our plan to grow. If we were to garden by just taking seeds and scattering them around with no further effort, we would find surprisingly little, if any results. The same is true in our lives. If we set a plan to grow but never follow through, we won’t achieve the results we want. 

  This week, get intentional about how you want to grow. Pick out those seeds and put them in the ground. Then nurture them by following through with action steps. Given time and care, your actions will blossom into a harvest of results in your life. Don’t be a haphazard gardener with your life. Make a plan and start growing. I can’t wait to see you succeed. 


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