Ok Friends, I have a confession to make. I hate clutter, like not just dislike it; I loathe it with a burning passion. If there is something in my house I do not want or use, it is immediately found a new place to live. My son will be the first to tell you, I do not keep papers and trinkets from school, much to his chagrin. In fact, I'm certain he has had at least one therapy appointment about this subject alone. It's not that I'm not sentimental. I have a cedar chest with a few important mementos tucked in it, but beyond that, I just cannot allow extra "trash" to clog up my mental and physical space.
Now, you may be thinking my stance is rather harsh and militant on this matter, and perhaps it is, but let me explain why. For a long time, I collected everything that came my way. I thought having more things made me more important or somehow made me more secure in life. But in reality, all it did was make me more stressed. You see, holding on to things we don't need is not just a physical burden on our space, it is a dangerous mindset that can imprison us if we are not aware of it. Our desire to hoard or keep extra things is a need for a security, a mindset of fear and scarcity.
Additionally, having excess clutter in our homes drains us mentally because it is always weighing on us. It drains us physically by taking up space and giving us more work to do to clean and maintain all the extra items and spaces we wouldn't have to otherwise. While we may think keeping all the extra items gives us security, it actually is stealing our peace. And the only way to be free is to begin to let go. Now, for some, this is easier than for others. Personally, once I learned how freeing it is to get rid of the extra stuff, I became obsessed with it, and my son is the same way. He has been known at times to help his friends "clean" their rooms, which essentially means throwing all their toys in the garbage. His friends' parents are not usually on board when this happens.
Unlike my son, for others, the idea of letting go of even a single item may be terrifying. Perhaps they grew up with nothing or lived through a time of poverty, and this fear-based mindset is still ruling in their lives. If you are one of these people, it may be a process. You may have to start small with giving away just one item, but I promise it will get easier the more you do it. My personal rule is, if it doesn't bring beauty and joy to my home, or if I'm not going to use it (soon), then it doesn't have a place in my home.
I encourage you to stop allowing excess clutter to rob you of mental and physical energy. Find ways to give away or recycle items you don't use. Not only will you feel lighter and freer without the burden of extra things, but you will get the joy of blessing someone else who may actually need the items you are storing. We are blessed to be a blessing, remember. If you have been living in scarcity and fear, begin to work on your mindset. Change how you talk and think with affirmations. Begin speaking from a mindset of "I have what I need." Do not allow yourself to be controlled by stuff, feeling as if you must cling tightly to everything that comes your way. When your fists are holding on so tightly to the things you have, your hands cannot be open to receive new and better blessings. It's time to stop living in fear and free up your mental and physical space. I can't wait to see you succeed!
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