Sunday, November 21, 2021

Winner Takes All

   Hi Friends! I talked to my son recently about something I think we as adults could use a reminder of also. Success is not a zero-sum game. And here's what I mean by that. Someone else succeeding does not mean you have failed, nor does it mean there is no room for you to succeed. There is lots of room at the top, believe it or not. Someone else winning at their career or health or relationship or finances does not mean you can't win also. It's just a false mindset of jealousy which often tricks us into feeling as if this is the case. 

  Oftentimes when we see someone receive something we want, we feel a pang of jealousy. This can happen for a number of reasons. Sometimes it's because we feel they have received something we want or something we think we deserve. Or, it reveals our frustration with ourselves for not having put forth the effort to get what we want. Left unchecked, these feelings of anger and jealousy can create division and hatred. But if we take the time to really notice and evaluate why we feel this way, it may drive us to change our decisions. 

  Perhaps your co-worker's promotion can be a catalyst to cause you to reach for what you want at work, to pursue the raise or promotion you have been neglecting. Or maybe seeing all the weight your sister lost to become healthy can spur you to choose a healthier lifestyle also. Perhaps she will even help you by exercising with you or sharing her healthful recipes. Often those we view with contempt because of our jealousy could be our allies on the way to achieving our own desires and goals. 

  You see, unlike in a sporting competition where the winner takes all, other people's successes do not rob us of anything. It is only our comparison and jealousy which robs us of joy and often times of friendships. If we recognize that our neighbor's success does not exclude us from success and instead channel those feelings of frustration in to positive action, we will find ourselves not only moving closer to our goals but also cheering on those around us. 

  There is enough joy, enough success, enough goodness to go around. Stop comparing and start living the life you desire. In life, there isn't just one winner. Go out and work to win at your race, and while you're at it, cheer on the person in the next lane. I can't wait to see you succeed!


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