Hi Friends! I hope you got a chance to watch my video this week and have been taking some time to think about the things you would like to accomplish in your life. You see, too often we get caught up in the mundane and forget to challenge ourselves, to look for excitement, and to make the most of this beautiful life we've been given. I'm not a country music fan, (I know, I know, please don't unfriend me), but I want to remind you of a popular country song, "Live Like You Were Dying" by Tim McGraw.
The truth is, a lot of us forget that we don't have to be dying to live to the fullest. We can seize every moment and every day, because in reality, we all will die someday, and none of us knows when that day is. So why not live each day like it's our last? Today, I want to challenge you to do two things. The first, is to write out what you would do if today were your last day on earth. Really take some time to sit with this idea and ask yourself what you care the most about. Chances are, many of the things you would want to do on your last day on earth are things you can do right here and now. Things like time with friends and family, maybe taking a trip, maybe just going for a walk and savoring the moment. We would all be much more satisfied with our lives if we invested our daily time and energy into the things we care most about, those "last day of our lives" items.
The second thing I want to challenge you with today is to make yourself a Life List. My list started as 103 things back in 2016, and it has grown to 106. This is a list of big and little accomplishments. These are things to get excited about, to work toward, and to grow and stretch for. I wrote about my list in 104 Things. And today, I want to give you some updates, and maybe some ideas for things you can put on your list.
Here's a few things I haven't accomplished yet, but I am working towards: Speak fluent Spanish, Take my son to Egypt, Ride an Elephant, Swim with Sharks, Have a star named after me, Visit St. Judes and give books to the kids, Take a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, Live abroad for a year.
And here's the ones I have accomplished. (Some pictures included). You'll just have to trust me on the ones I don't have pictures of.
Publish a Book - April 2019 (I have three published books, and more coming soon!)
Get some Tattoos - July 2019 (I have five now)
Ride a camel - July 2019
Own a hot tub - October 2020
Make good cookies - December 2017
Successfully grow a plant - June 2020
Enjoy our wedding and reception - October 2016
Start a blog - April 2018 (Here we are 4 years later!)
Ride the banana boat - August 2017
Help out at a soup kitchen - September 2017
Try sound bathing - June 2020 (I highly recommend checking this out. I went to Center for Sound Therapy)
Take Aden to Disney - January 2019
And many more to come! I hope my list inspires you to make a list for your own life of big and small things. Things for others and things for yourself. Big dreams and little goals. Put them down. And then start checking them off. It's a beautiful life if you make it that way. I can't wait to see you succeed!
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