Tuesday, January 11, 2022

The X Factor Depends on Why

   Hi Friends! I hope you are diving into the new year and making progress on your goals. However, if you are flagging, studies show you aren't alone. According to an article on inc.com, 80% of people have given up on their goals by the second week of February. Ouch. That's not a great statistic. So how can you make sure you stay in the 20% who stick it out? Well, for starters, you need motivation. But not just any motivation. 

    There are several types of motivation, and each one will only take you so far. Perhaps you've heard of external motivation. Using some sort of a reward to motivate yourself, such as a trip, a new pair of jeans, or a day out with friends can help you to stick to your goals short-term, but ultimately, extrinsic motivation will not get you through the long haul. You might be all about the "revenge-body," but when the rubber hits the road, something outside yourself probably won't be enough to keep you moving, even if it is the stunned face of your ex-lover. 

    The second type of motivation you may have heard of is internal or intrinsic motivation. This will take you a little farther, because it comes from within yourself. It is usually based on a strong feeling, and this can propel you to stick with it longer. The problem is, we all only have so much will power, and if you are solely relying on your internal motivation to keep you going, there will come a point where that will peter out. You will be too tired, get decision fatigue, and probably quit somewhere along the way. 

    So if external motivation works for the short-term, and internal motivation won't carry us through the toughest days, what is the answer to building unstoppable motivation? The key is something called "Why." Having a why melds the external and the internal. A why is connected to your very core, your passion, your desires, what you care most about, and this will drive you forward. But a why is also connected extrinsically, because your why should be service based. Therefore, not only is your passion and purpose on the line, you have other people at stake too. 

    Finding your why truly gives you the x factor you need to move forward and stick to your goals even when the going gets tough. Compounding your goals by the power of why will bring you exponential results, because you are motivated by your deepest purpose, values, and desires, and you are driven forward by the understanding that others depend on you to succeed. If you aren't sure what your why is or how to discover it, you can check out the video I made for you this week. You can be in the 20% who stays on the path to victory. 2022 is the time to conquer your goals and dreams, and I can't wait to see you succeed!

~K. L. W. 

Photo courtesy of Christopher Hoefler

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