Hi there! I've been thinking a lot lately about expectations. Expectations are things we hold on to, both good and bad, and often times they tend to result in frustration, disappointment and anger. We expect things to go a certain way or people to behave in a manner we've imagined for them, and when they don't, then we feel let down. But the truth is, if we didn't hold onto expectations so tightly, we could live a lot more freely and lightly. Not only that, but we could give a lot more grace to those around us.
The scripture reminds us in James 4:13-15 that despite all the plans we make, we "do not even know what will happen tomorrow." The truth is, we all want to be in control. We want our children and coworkers to behave in the manner we expect will work best for us. We want our days to go according to our set pattern. But often, that's not the case. If there's anything this last several years should have taught us, it's that we are not in control. And in fact, while that may sound disheartening, we can take heart if we know the One who is in control.
We can plan for our days, and I believe we should. But we must teach ourselves not to be so attached to our plans and ideas. When we're willing to change, to bend, and to go where the moment takes us, we just might find a better more beautiful plan than the one we could have imagined. I'm not saying we shouldn't expect the best, but we need let go of things that don't meet our expectations and realize everyone is on their own journey, and their timeline may not line up with ours. When the disruptions happen, we need to learn to take a deep breath and go with the flow. Don't let a change of direction throw you off course.
One of my favorite things my yoga instructors say is, "Let go of all that no longer serves you." It's a reminder not to hold onto things which aren't working for us, and that includes our expectations. Today, be willing to live more flexibly and more gracefully. It makes the journey more enjoyable. Enjoy the bends in the path and look forward with joy to what lies ahead. I can't wait to see you succeed!