Sunday, May 27, 2018

Feeling a little Blah...

  Ever have one of those days or weeks, or even months where you just feel like you're in a funk?  Where you just wake up and feel off?  You can't seem to gather your emotional energy to deal with things like you normally would?  I can tell you that I definitely go through times like these, and what I want to tell you is that, when this happens, you don't have to let it control you.  What I mean by that is, there are some steps you can take to emotionally bolster yourself to get through a rough patch and come out on the other side without losing all your progress.

Dealing with a Funk:

1.  Realize that this is normal, and it's only temporary.
     I think as human beings we have a tendency to worry ourselves over things that often times will never even come to pass.  We waste mental energy on worrying about imaginary scenarios, and this slows us down and drains us, which keeps us from accomplishing what we should be doing.  If you wake up in a funk one day, you need to first and foremost remind yourself that this is not permanent.  There is no need to panic.  Even the most successful people find themselves in a rut from time to time.  The difference though is that the successful people have figured out how to not lose momentum and get themselves through a rut and out onto the other side.

2.  Slow down, but don't quit.
     You know that quote, "If you're going through Hell, don't stop moving?"  Well that same principle applies here.  When you wake up in a rut you may feel like pulling the blankets over your head and doing nothing but wallowing... do it.. but only for a short time.  The key here is to give yourself some slack to slow down for a bit, but don't quit what you're doing.  If you lose all your momentum you will only end up stuck for a longer period of time, and it will take you longer to get back on your feet.  When I am in a rut, I give myself permission to take nap or read a book, or just lay around, but I make sure that I intersperse my down time with things that need done.  So, I will read a book for a while, then muster some energy and go do the dishes.  After the dishes if I still feel crummy, I might curl up on the couch again, but I make sure to set myself a time limit of down time so that I can still accomplish what needs done.  During your down days, it's ok to cut your activities down to the bare minimum for a day or two.  Just don't completely shut down.  This will only make you feel worse because you will not be accomplishing anything which will cause you to feel badly about yourself and perpetuate the mental funk you are in.

3.  Watch your intake
     If you are in a funk, it is very important to watch your intake.  This means on multiple different fronts.  The most important one being your mind.  If you are feeling down, it may be tempting to listen to songs or watch shows that will validate or encourage what you're feeling.  Don't do it!  Listen to podcasts, audios, music, and watch shows which are uplifting, that make you laugh, and that do not perpetuate your down mood.  After all, garbage in... garbage out.  Secondarily, a lot of how we feel is linked to what we eat.  If you have been feeling crummy for a while, it may mean your body is trying to tell you something.  Make a point to drink plenty of water today and try cutting out some of the sugary things you are eating.  Your body might just need a healthy reset.  Try eating some protein and veggies and avoiding starches and sugars for a day.  You might be surprised at how much a few simple tweaks to your diet can make you feel so much better.

  Ultimately, if you aren't feeling your best emotionally today, relax.  It's ok.  We all go through it.  Give yourself a break and a little self care.  And if this continues for longer than a week or you feel something is really wrong, don't be a afraid to seek professional help.  That's what it's there for.  Wherever you find yourself today, know that you don't have to stay stuck, and there's a great future ahead for you if you're willing to step into it.  I can't wait to see you succeed!


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