Saturday, June 30, 2018

Be Original

  In America we have a culture which celebrates individuality but also puts a lot of pressure on us to do what everyone else is doing by making us feel like we're missing out if we don't.  But I'm here to tell you that you don't have to do what everyone else is doing.  You can be free to live as God created you to live, and that may be different than anyone else around you.  One of the most freeing things I ever read in the Bible is Galatians 5:1 which states, "It is for freedom that Christ has set you free.  Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."  God has freed us to live completely unhindered as we are in Him, but when we allow what other people expect of us or the social norms to control us, we bind ourselves again and we lose that freedom we were given.
  So what is it that is enslaving you today?  Do you feel pressured to follow in your families history of alcoholism?  Maybe everyone expects you to go to college, but you know that's not for you.  Social expectations can be positive or negative, but if you know in your heart of hearts that you are not meant for that thing, then don't give in to the pressure to become a part of it.  Maybe you thought you needed to be a "good" parent and join the PTA, but once you did you felt burdened by the pressure to always be at events and help with projects, and instead of being a blessing, you found yourself weighted down by the responsibility you chained yourself too.   This is what the verse means by not allowing yourself to be enslaved again.  Be proud of who you are.  For myself, I know that I cannot commit to things that require my physical presence on a weekly basis, simply because with my work schedule, my travel schedule, and my child's behavioral health concerns, I know there will be many times when I will be unable to fulfill that commitment and it will become a burden.  So when I seek to minister to other people, I often do it through gifts, or spending a little one on one time and taking them out to dinner.  I find it is far easier for me to give of my income and my things than it is for me to make time commitments.  So when everyone else is getting on board with being the "homeroom mom" or soccer coach, I know that's not for me, and I don't feel bad about it.  I will volunteer to bring snacks, buy extra school supplies, or pay for another child's books at the book fair.  I know what works for me, and I find ways to live within my strengths.
  I want to encourage you to live in freedom today.  Do not feel you have to follow the crowd.  Listen to that still, small voice which is telling what to do, and you can let go of the needless burdens we all place on ourselves by trying to be something we're not.  Find what works best for you, and leave the rest behind.  I can't wait to see you succeed!


Friday, June 29, 2018

Attitude is Everything

  I often get asked the question, "Why are you so happy?"  And it always baffles me when people say this, because most of the time when people ask me this, they aren't asking because they want the secret to happiness, they are asking in an almost annoyed manner, as if it offends them that someone is happy and cheerful.  And I think to myself during those moments, "Doesn't everyone want to be happy?"  Yet, so many people live their lives in a complete state of misery, dragging themselves from one task to the next as though they gain satisfaction from being dejected and angry.  Personally, I don't want to be associated with that kind of attitude, and that's exactly what it is, an attitude.
  We can choose each day whether we will be positive and uplifting or whether we will be negative and deflating.  And believe it or not, your attitude is not determined by your circumstances.  You control your attitude, and you can make it as positive or negative as you choose.  There is nothing forcing you to be miserable, ornery, and discouraged.  Only you have the power to allow yourself to be that way.  And you have the power to choose happiness and positivity too.
  And if you aren't a super positive person now, it's ok.  You can change.  Start right now to pay attention to the thoughts in your head and the words that come out of your mouth, and begin replacing them with more productive thoughts.  For example, there are many days when I think to myself, "I'm tired."  But I try to not allow those words to come out of my mouth.  Instead I try to find other things to talk about or focus on.  You get what you magnify in life, so if you are always declaring, "I'm broke,"  you probably are broke and will stay broke if you don't change this negative attitude.
  Start today to begin replacing your negative attitudes and little by little you will become more positive, and as a result you will have a more positive life.  Your attitude is linked to everything from your health to your income, so make an effort to keep a good attitude.  It will be well worth your while.  Let's tackle this life together!   I can't wait to see you succeed!


Thursday, June 28, 2018

People Matter

  Ever have one of those days where things just don't go according to plan?  Sometimes, no matter how well laid our schemes for the day are, things just don't cooperate the way we would like them to.  But ultimately, we have to realize that there is something more important than plans, and that something is people.  People and the relationships we build with them are why we are here on earth.  People are who we are sent to love, nurture, help, and care for.  Sometimes we get so caught up in all the "things" that we forget about the real one thing that matters most.
  I want to encourage you to put your relationships at the forefront of what matters.  Value people over material items or agendas, and your life will get to where it needs to go.  Now, I'm not saying you can neglect the things that need done in your life every day, but I am saying that you should take time to speak kindly to the cashier at Wal-mart, put aside your plans to take that phone call from a friend in need, spend your weekend helping your elderly neighbor with yard work.  There are so many meaningful opportunities in life to love on other people.  Do not let them pass you by.  Success is not measured by the number in your bank account, but by the invisible unseen thread that ties you to other lives.  How many people can genuinely say they have been impacted by you?  How many people have been encouraged by your words and actions?  How many lives have you changed with yours?
  At a time when the media seems to be alienating and distancing and dividing us from one another more and more, be that person who reaches out and makes a connection.  Be the hand that guides another to safety.  Be the voice that lifts up, not tears down.  We need to love each other, and we need to help each other, whether or not we have the same religion, political view, gender, race, or status.  We all need relationships.  Let's build the world through real friendships and real experiences.  Don't forget the reasons behind your desire for make the world a better place, to help your family, to make life better for others.  All these things happen through relationships.  Don't let the moments pass you by.  Love those you come in contact with, whether it fits in your schedule or not.  I love you, and I can't wait to see you succeed.


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Being the Best

  Ok, I'll admit it... my husband is better at video games than me.  And this makes me mad.  Why?  Because I like to be the best... at everything.  And there happens to be a certain level of Crash Bandicoot that my 8 year old and I have been trying to beat for about a month, and tonight my husband said, "Can I have a try?"  And after two attempts he made it to the end of the level, at which point I demanded that he quit the game, because I will absolutely, under no circumstances allow him to have the glory for something that I have worked this long and this hard to try to conquer.  (And in case your wondering, no, I still haven't beat it.)
  Ok, so all joking aside, it's one thing to be this silly over a video game, but many times we have this same mindset in our lives.  We feel frustrated and angry when someone else is good at something we struggle with, and sometimes we don't want to let them get any credit for being good at it, even if that means none of us win.  If we truly want to succeed though, we have to guard ourselves against this mindset.  We are all equipped with different strengths on purpose.  If someone else is really good at something you need, learn to become allies with that person, rather than alienating them.  You may find that if you enlist their help, they have a weakness that you can assist with too.  Successful leaders know that they must build a team of people around them who have strengths they do not have, and who can do things better than them in many areas.  You may have some level of success alone, but to truly make it to the top genuinely requires a village of people.
  So when that person at your job gets top salesman again this month, don't hate on them, instead, seek out their advice.  Most people are willing to share what they know with you.  Or if your friend made another awesome connection that opened a great door for her, instead of being angry and grumbling that things never go that well for you, ask her how she does it.  Go with her to an event and learn some of her strategies.  It's time we stopped all the jealousy and competing and truly helped one another succeed.  Be humble; seek out those who have more strengths than you, and never stop learning.  I can't wait to see you succeed!


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Home Makeover

  If you own a home or rent an apartment, you are probably familiar with the seemingly never-ending list of projects and to-do's which need done.  I know that when I look around my home I see all the potential of what I could do.  I see walls that could be painted and flooring to replace, window sills to stain and landscaping to mulch.  I know the potential in my residence, and I'm sure you feel similarly about your home.  However, even though we know all that our homes could be, most of us don't go about completing all these projects at once.  It's usually a process, a step by step rendering of the imagine in our minds onto the physical reality of our home.  It might be a weekend project, or winter project or vacation project.  And with each new accomplishment, we celebrate how much better and brighter our home looks.  We invite friends and family and point out the new paint job or countertops.
  In the same way as we can see the potential in our homes and we go about gradually changing them from what they are to what they could be, God sees the potential in each of us, and He does not do His work overnight, but rather over a lifetime.  Project by project He changes and completes us, and He celebrates each new victory in our lives.  2 Corinthians 3:18 tells us that God continually changes us "from glory to glory.''  Each new phase is considered beautiful, and even if we can't see all that we are destined to become, He can, and He is continually bringing us closer to the very best version of ourselves.
  Don't get discouraged with where you are or how far you have to go.  Know that you are a lifetime project, and God will keep working with you and in you until the day you leave this earth.  Houses don't get renovated overnight, and neither do we.  Day by day we are becoming better versions of ourselves, and this should bring us courage and joy.  Know that your tomorrows can be better than your yesterdays if you will allow God to continue His work in you.  He sees the finished picture, and He is changing you more and more into the best version of you.  Keep your chin up and keep moving forward.  I can't wait to see you reach your potential and succeed!


Monday, June 25, 2018

Fighting Your Battles

  Do you ever feel like you fight the same battle over and over again?  Maybe you struggle with gossiping or anger; maybe it's a particular thought pattern or bad habit; maybe it's laziness or procrastination.  I read a thought provoking quote by Margaret Thatcher today.  It said, "You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it."  (As taken from Girls With Swords by Lisa Bevere)
How true this statement is, and yet so often we get frustrated with ourselves and beat ourselves up when we are challenged time and again.
  Facing the same struggle does not mean you are a failure.  It just means your journey isn't over yet.   Are you growing and progressing?  Maybe you chose not to gossip 8 out of 20 times this week.  You can look at it as failing 12 times or succeeding 8 times.  If you choose to focus on the battles you've won, then you can keep moving forward.  Don't keep score of your failures and shortcomings.  Just work at being better each day.  If you have a habit of complaining, try setting a timer on your phone for one hour and committing to not complaining during that time.  When the hour is up, set it again.  Does this mean you will never complain again in your life?  I doubt it.  I don't think even the most spiritual person can go his or her whole life without complaining.  That is a battle you may fight daily, or hourly, or by the second.  Just know that each battle is a chance to win a victory and move farther along on your path to spiritual and personal maturity.  The great thing about life and about our God is that "His mercies […] are new every morning."  (Lamentations 2:22-23)  God will never give up on you, and He will keep working on you everyday of your life to bring you closer to who you were made to be.  (Philippians 1:6)
  Whatever struggle you are facing right now, know that it is a new day and a new week, and there are new opportunities for you to win the battle you are fighting.  Keep pressing forward and take new ground this week.  Make it an awesome Monday!  I can't wait to see you succeed!


Sunday, June 24, 2018

Give a Little Grace

  Most of us are familiar with the concept of grace.  But my question for you today is, are you giving grace?  Now believe me, I know it's easy to judge or get uptight about someone else's behavior, but if you try to live with the assumption that people have good intentions at heart, you will be filled with much more peace, and you can learn to just let things roll off your back.  Maybe that comment from your co-worker was meant to hurt your feelings, or maybe it was just a statement that you took the wrong way.  Does it really matter?  Nope.  And if you choose to just give grace and move on you will learn that you will get along with others so much better.
  But I also want to talk to you today about giving grace to yourself.  Most of us know we should give grace to others, and I think deep down many of us want to do that, but a lot of us balk at the idea of being gracious with ourselves.  We tend to be our own worst critics, because after all, who knows us better than we know ourselves, right?  But putting so much pressure on ourselves to always be perfect is very detrimental to our health and well-being.  If every time you mess up or fall short of a goal you put yourself down, you start to gain a fear of failure, and it makes moving forward that much harder.  If, on the other hand when you mess up, you pick yourself up, say, "Oops" and move on, you can continue pushing forward towards success without fear or frustration.  I'm not saying you shouldn't try to do the right thing.  I'm just saying that when you make mistakes, as all of us do, that you don't need beat yourself up over them.  Think of it this way, if a completely perfect God knows everything you have ever done wrong or ever will do wrong and still loves you, then you can absolutely love you and learn to let your failures go.  And keeping this perspective of knowing how much we have been forgiven makes it easier to forgive others when they hurt us or disappoint us as well.
  A third area I think needs mentioning because it is so prevalent in American culture is to be gracious with your body.  We are taught that we need to always push ourselves to the limit, to do more, be more and have more, but sometimes the best thing for our bodies is just to rest.  If you are battling physical illness, mental illness, life changes, or just having a difficult season of life, you may need to give yourself some grace.  It's ok to rest.  It's ok to take a month for your mental health.  It's ok to put your needs on the priority list.  Give yourself grace.  I'm not saying to let yourself get out of doing what you need to all the time, but there are times in life when you need a little extra rest or TLC., and that's perfectly ok.  Give yourself permission to take a break.
  Wherever you're at in your journey today, know that I love you and I can't wait to see you succeed.  Be gracious with yourself and others, and let's keep moving forward.


Saturday, June 23, 2018

Go With the Flow

  Do you ever just want things to happen Right Now, like that job or promotion, your kids to grow up, vacation, or paying off your debt?  Sometimes we have a tendency to want to speed things up, to have all that we want immediately, but what we need to realize is that there is a natural ebb and flow to life, a perfect rhythm of ups and downs, and if we can learn to live in the Spirit and keep in step with God's timing, we will live at peace through each and every season of life.
  Did you know that life's circumstances don't have to be good for you to be at peace?  You can experience peace in the midst of loss, pain, sickness, and  disappointment.  You see, peace isn't based on our outward experiences, but on a calm assurance that our God is in control and that He is working things together for our good.  (Romans 8:28)
 When you learn to live with this surety, you will not be swayed by every frustration that comes your way, but instead you can cast your cares and live in freedom and joy. (1 Peter 5:7)  You will find that when you learn to live this way, your days will be filled with more joy and peace than you could have imagined.
  So how do you learn to live in this rhythm?  Well, like most things in life, it's a process which takes time.  It doesn't happen over night, but if you are diligent about pursuing God, you will find that little by little you will get in step with Him and learn to live in His Spirit.  The Bible says that there will come a time when people will worship God in Spirit and in Truth. (John 4:24)  I believe this means that God's people will be deeply connected to Him through the Holy Spirit, and that they will worship God by living out their days in the power and peace of His Spirit, and that time is now.
  If you aren't sure where to begin, start by spending daily time reading the Bible and praying.  I suggest journaling your prayers and conversations with God.  During your prayer time, take time to pause and listen for anything God lays on your heart.  This is the Holy Spirit speaking to you.  At first this might seem strange, but the more you practice, the more you will begin to recognize God's leading in your life, and you will begin to live within God's rhythms.  Just as in any marriage, to create a deeper bond and live more closely with your spouse you must get to know one another by spending time together and talking with them and listening to them, our relationship with God must be nurtured in the same way if we expect to live in step with Him.
  Secondly, begin learning from others who may be farther along in there spiritual walk.  Some of my favorite authors which have helped develop my walk with God in significant ways are, Terri Savelle Foy, Joseph Prince, Joel Osteen, and Joyce Meyer.  I encourage you to seek out ways to learn and grow yourself.  The more spiritually mature you become, the more the workings of God's Spirit will make sense to you and help you to live as He desires.
  Lastly, don't get overwhelmed or frustrated with where you are at.  God loves you right now, right here in the midst of whatever struggle you are facing.  You do not have to be good enough for God.  He already took care of that.  Your only job is to grow closer to Him each day and learn to live as His Spirit calls you.  Start to walk in peace and ease today.  I can't wait to see you succeed!


Friday, June 22, 2018

Decisions, Decisions

  Are you a person who makes decisions quickly and easily, or are you a person who deliberates and agonizes for hours or even days over each choice?  When it comes to making choices, I happen to be a person who likes to be in charge of making the decisions, and I usually think I do a pretty good job of it... not that anyone's asking or anything.  But even for those of us who feel confident being in charge and calling the shots, sometimes there are those major life choices that make us wish someone else could just tell us what to do or how to handle it.  If you're facing a big decision right now, maybe a move, job change, marriage, adoption, or any number of other life decisions, know that even though we don't have a crystal ball to tell us what to choose, there is a way of making a decision with clarity and confidence.  Let me share with you my advice for tackling those once in a lifetime type choices, and hopefully you can put your mind to rest a bit.
  There are always those split second decisions where you don't have time to think and you must just choose, but in cases where you need to make decision and you have a little bit of time, here's what I always tell those who come to me for help.

  1.  Set aside ten minutes daily for one week to pray over your decision.
       Taking those ten minutes a day to pray and actively seek wisdom about what you should do will help you to really clarify in your mind what your choices are, and if you are taking the time daily to pray about it, this can be a very focused time for you to really get the ideas and answers into your mind.

  2.  Listen to what gives you peace.
       When you set aside those ten minutes each day, take part of that time to really just listen for what the Holy Spirit places on your heart or what you feel gives you the most peace.  Most of the time we know what choice we should make, but sometimes we talk ourselves out of it because of fear or other people's opinions.  If you really sit down and think about the options though, which one gives you peace in your heart.  Most likely, that is the one you should pursue.

3.  Choose not to worry about the decision.
     Aside from the ten minutes you are setting aside to focus on the decision making process, do not worry about, mull over, or deliberate your choices.  You will only create confusion and stress in your mind by constantly thinking about what to do, and the Bible clearly tells us that confusion is not of God.  (2 Timothy 1:7) (1 Corinthians 14:33)

4.  Be firm about your choice.
     At the end of the time period that you have set to pray, whether it is a week, three days, or a month if you have the time, make your decision, and then stick with it and let it all the doubts or questions go.  Once you have made your decision, act as though it is your only option.  Do not continue to deliberate.  Move forward and do what you know needs to be done.

  For many of us, we think that if we avoid a hard decision long enough it will eventually get made for us, and this may be the case in some instances, but God gave us the ability to choose, and I believe that we honor Him by seeking His will and actively making choices for our lives.  Do not get caught in indecision and deliberation.  The devil would love to keep you useless and ineffective trapped in a web of confusion and choices.  Do not get weighed down by your options.  Make a decision and stand by it.  Whatever you need to decide about, use the steps above, and make your choice.  I'm waiting to see you succeed!


Thursday, June 21, 2018

You Get What You Give

 My heart is so full tonight.  I am so blessed to know so many amazing givers.  We are showered with love so often; it's just astounding, and I am so thankful.  In fact, it is some of these people in my life who really taught me to become a giver and to make it a priority to give above and beyond as often as possible.  
  Quite frankly, the secret to abundance is becoming a person who always gives more than you get. And if this sounds counterproductive to you, stick with me.  It would seem like, according to our earthly economy that if you are always giving more than you get that you will very quickly be out of business.  But that's not how our God's economy works.  You see, in God's economy, He can take a small lunch of five loaves of bread and two fishes and use it to feed 5,000 people.  (Luke 9)  The cool part about this story is not that God created enough food to feed 5,000 people from a meager lunch serving.  After all, He's God... He could have created food out of nothing.  But the neat part about this all is that God allows us to be part of the blessing, and He blesses us in return for giving of what we have.  God, being that He's God and all, could theoretically just solve every problem in the world by Himself.  But He has graciously allowed us to become a part of solving some of the problems so that we can share in the blessings and benefits of doing so.  Pretty cool huh?  And I'm not saying you should give to get stuff in return.  I'm talking about genuine, deep down, from the heart giving.   Giving must become a way of life for you before you can enjoy the blessings of abundance you were made to have.
   The Bible instructs us to "Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days."  (Ecclesiastes 11:1)  What this is really saying is that if we are willing to throw what we have out there for those in need, we will find that what we need will always find its way to us as well.  And the Bible also promises us that if we are faithful in taking care of a little bit that we have, then we will be entrusted with more.  (Luke 16:10)
  Maybe you're going through a tough time financially, and giving seems really impossible right now.  I want to encourage you to find some way that you can.  Whether that be a few dollars to buy a homeless person lunch, or just picking up a card and taking the time to send some words of encouragement.  There are always ways you can give if you look for them, and if you become a giver, you will be rewarded in more ways than you can imagine.
  Make giving a way of life and I promise you, you will not be disappointed when you develop a truly generous heart.  I pray that you learn to be an extravagant giver and that you reap the blessings of doing so.  I can't wait to see you succeed!


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Creating Lifestyle

  Ok, so here's the thing order to build the lifestyle you want, you have to create habits which form your lifestyle.  In order to create habits you have to take consistent action.  And that's what makes creating lifestyle so difficult.  You see, it's not that everyone can't have the lifestyle they want... because they can.  But the truth is that most of us have not gotten consistent enough with our habits to produce the results we want.  And if that statement ticks you off a little bit, it's ok, because it ticks me off too.  It's hard to take a look at ourselves and admit that we are the reason we aren't getting what we want in life.  But if you are willing to accept the truth of where you stand, then you can also take responsibility for fixing it.  And that's where things get exciting.  Well, sorta.
  Honestly, consistency isn't necessarily fun.  The day in, day out habits which create lifestyle are usually not anything spectacular, and that's why it's easy to get distracted or quit doing what you know you should be doing.  Truthfully, consistency means continuing in your habit when you don't feel like it, and when you really, really don't feel like it, and when you just plain don't want to.  But it's this willingness to press on despite our feelings that separates the winners from the losers, and I know you guys are destined to be winners.  You wouldn't be reading this if you weren't.
  If you're feeling a bit frustrated or irritated with where you are in life right now, it's time to evaluate your habits.  Do you have consistent habits?  And if you don't, it's time to start forming them.  Is it easy to form new habits?  Not always.  But will building and keeping new, positive habits begin changing your life little by little?  You bet!
  You were destined to have lifestyle and to live victoriously.  Begin taking the steps you need to today, and then stick with them, tomorrow, and next week, and next year, and you will look back one day and your life will be completely different.  I'm so excited to see where you are after taking consistent action towards your dreams and goals.  Let's walk it out together!   I can't wait to see you succeed!


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

A Little Blue Highlighter

  Good Morning!  I want to talk to you about an old habit of mine which I've been using in a new way.  I think I've shared with you before that whenever I read something I highlight parts of it which I want to remember, and each day when I pick up that book to read a new chapter I read through the previous highlights to keep them fresh in my mind and help the lessons to stick. What I've started doing with this habit though is applying it to my daily Scripture reading, particularly with the book of Psalms.
  If you know me personally, it is no secret that my family and I have been going through some particularly painful times surrounding the loss of one of our dogs.  These have been some of the most difficult days I have ever had to face, and believe me, I've been through loss, divorce, and heartache before, but nothing could have prepared me for this.  Throughout these last few days I have been finding much comfort in reading the Word of God.  But prior to all this happening I had begun my habit of highlighting with the book of Psalms.  I was highlighting any verse that I wanted to come back to because it was uplifting or encouraging.  And each day I would go back and read a few from the previous few days.  Some might call this meditating or studying the Word.  But when the circumstances of life really hit me, that's when it was most necessary, and when I was most thankful that God had prompted me to highlight those verses weeks earlier.  You see, you never know when life may hit you, or what curve ball you may face, but if you have the right resources already in hand, you can face the challenges that much more smoothly.
  If you are facing a hard time right now, or maybe just need a little bit of refreshment, let me share with you a few of the verses I've been clinging to over these last few days.

  Psalm 68:19- Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior who daily bears our burdens.
  Psalm 71:14- But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more.

  Psalm 71:20-21- Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depth of the earth you will again bring me up.  You will increase my honor and comfort me once again.

  Isn't it so good to know that we are not alone in our trouble?  Thousands of years ago, King David wrestled with feelings of pain, loss, discouragement, anger, and brokenness.  He chose to run to God with his hurts, and we can do the same.  If you are struggling, I encourage you to cry out, let God know your hurt and pain, but also seek comfort and strength in Him, and know that even though you are in the valley now, you will again be on the mountain top.
  Out of all the verses I've been claiming this week, there is one that sticks out in particular which I've been clinging to the most is this.
  Psalm 65:11- You crown the year with your bounty, and your carts overflow with abundance.

  No matter how hard this year has been so far, we can celebrate the fact that good things are ahead.  If you are facing pain, loss, hurt, heartache, doubt, fear, depression, anxiety, sickness, or any other negative life circumstance right now, cling to the promises of God in His word.  Start seeking out Scriptures which remind you of where you are going, not where you are.  Then highlight those words and refer back to them as often as you need to.  This practice will give you strength through good days and not so good days.  I'm here for you friend, and I can't wait to see you succeed.


Monday, June 18, 2018

Busy, Busy, Busy

  Good Morning Friends!  Happy Monday!  Did you miss me yesterday?  I took a little break for the day, and along those lines, I want to talk to you today about busyness.  We live in a culture that values busyness and assumes that if you are doing more things than you are getting more done.  Sounds logical, but it's not.  Because for most of us, most of the things we are doing are not fueling our purpose, nor are they even bringing us happiness.  They are just things to fill our time.
   I want to encourage you this week before you get too caught up in all the things you need to do that you take a good long look at what it is that you really need to be doing and learn to cut a few extra things out.  Maybe you need to ask your boss for a day off so you can recharge and refocus.  Maybe you need to plan more priorities into your calendar so there's less time for useless activities.  Maybe you need to slow down so you can really get things done efficiently rather than running from one to the next.  I don't know what level of busyness you live on, but I do know that busyness can steal your joy, distract you from your purpose, and trick you into thinking you are accomplishing something when really you are just running in circles.
  Pause for a few moments today and do a busyness check on your schedule.  How many things that you are doing really NEED to be done?  How many things are robbing you of joy and draining your energy?  How many of the things on your calendar are moving you closer to your dreams and goals?  Is it time to reprioritize and get rid of a few things?  If so, go ahead and let a few things go.  Say, "No" to some activities.  It's ok.  Stop running the rat race and live at a place of peace and purpose.  I pray this is a productive and prosperous week for you, but not one filled with busyness.   Slow down and walk with deliberation this week.  I'm walking with you, and I can't wait to see you succeed!


Saturday, June 16, 2018

What Lies Ahead

  Good Morning, Happy Saturday!  I want to talk to you today and encourage you to get excited about your future!  Just because you have had falls or setbacks or a bad past or whatever else is holding you back, does not mean that you do not have an epically awesome future prepared for you if you are willing to let go of the past and step into it.  Paul said he was "Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead."  (Philippians 3:13)
  I think a lot of us have this inward fear, this belief that when things start going bad that they will continue to be bad and stay that way forever.  That kind of thinking is just not true.  It's an attack of the devil to try to hold you down and keep you from your purpose.  You have to gather up your courage and keep speaking good things for your future.  Keep believing things will turn around and be better than ever.  Lisa Bevere says in her book Girls With Swords, "the attacks on your life have much more to do with who you might be in the future than who you have been in the past."  If you have just started to take some steps towards your dreams and goals and suddenly you feel beset by struggles all around you, take courage.  There would be no reason for the devil to stop you if you weren't headed somewhere great.  James 1:2 says, "My friends, count it all joy when you fall into various trials."  Why?  Because that means you are on the track towards success.  If you know in your heart that you are following your God given purpose but still feel as if your life is under attack, then you should also know that what lies ahead, should you persist, is greater than anything you could have imagined.  Sometimes we have a tendency to think that if we are really doing the right thing, than everything should go perfect and we should never face struggle, but we have to wake up and realize that to truly accomplish our dreams requires us to fight for them.  We cannot just waltz into success with a nonchalant attitude.
  Where ever you find yourself on your journey, whether you are on the mountain peak, or just struggling day by day to put on foot in front of the other, know that I love you; God loves you, and I cannot wait to see you succeed!  Your future lies ahead!  Go make it great!


Friday, June 15, 2018

Fix Your Gaze

 Do you have a tendency to focus on the good or bad in life? When things don’t go your way, do you allow that to hold you down, or use it to propel you forward?  In every situation in life, we determine whether what happens limits us or promotes us based on what we choose to focus on. Ask yourself today, “Where is my focus?” Are you choosing to focus on the struggle, hurt, and pain, or are you choosing to see the hidden blessings, the opportunities for growth, and the strengthening of character in your circumstances?
  As the saying goes, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”  I’ve  always hated that statement, but it is so true. When things seem to keep piling up and getting worse, remember first and foremost that God knows everything you are going through, and nothing is out of His control. You can trust that He will not leave you alone.
  Choose to fix your eyes on the truth today. Proverbs 4:25 says, “Look straight ahead and fix your eyes on what lies before you.”  You have to choose to look ahead, rather than to keep looking back at the pain in your past or around you at the frustrations in your present.  Push forward knowing that your future is better than your past; your successes will outweigh your failures; and you are made for greatness. Obstacles and setbacks are not meant to stop you, but rather to give you a step up to the next level. Hold tight to your faith, set your eyes on the top, and let’s climb this mountain together. I can’t wait to see you succeed!


Thursday, June 14, 2018

When You're In the Dark

  Hey friends, some more honesty coming at you today. I’m a pretty happy and upbeat person. I try to see life through rose colored glasses,  and I try to laugh when life hurts and help others laugh with me. But just because I’m a positive person does not mean life is all sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes things happen with no seeming rhyme or reason, and sometimes things happen when you’re already tired and worn out and beat up. And it’s in those moments that you really find out what’s inside you. "Battles are the proving ground of what you already have put into practice.  Conflict has a way of testing the mettle of what was already tempered in your seasons of preparation."  (Girls With Swords by Lisa Bevere).
  It’s during those moments of deepest pain and discouragement that we have to look to the Rock that is higher than ourselves.  "Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me."  (Psalms 54:4)  And as we look up and cry out for help we must choose to take another step forward into the unknown. Just because this part of the path is dark right now doesn’t mean the road doesn’t lead somewhere good in the end, but you will never find out if you sit down and stay in that dark place. Choose to hold on to hope and keep pressing forward, one day, one breath, one  step at a time. I love you friend, and if you’re walking through the dark you’re not alone. Keep pressing on. I can’t wait to see you succeed!


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

A Little Bit of Honesty

  Ok, I'm going to get really honest with you tonight, and if you want to judge you can, but I hope that most of you will find this helpful.  So, here it is.  Raising a child with a behavioral disorder is not fun.  Yup.  I said it.  I don't really enjoy parenting most days.  It's not that I don't want to.  I really try, but it's just not easy when every day is a battle.  We have therapist appointments multiple times a week.  There are meetings with doctors, meetings with insurance companies, and a seemingly never ending list of new strategies to try.  Now, before you get too worked up, let me reassure you.  I love my son.  But most days I am ready to not see him for eight hours when he goes to bed at night.
  For a long time I wrestled with God.  I asked "Why?"  a lot.  "Why me?"  After losing my first child, it felt like being robbed to have a second child that I was so happy to receive and then have raising him be a nightmare.  "Why would God do this to me?"  I wondered.  I wanted to be a good mom.  I wanted to give my son the world and then some.  But I felt bitter, disillusioned, let down.  Every flowery mom post on Facebook about how wonderful being a mother is left me wanting to throw something.
  But at the height of some of my deepest struggles and most discouraging moments, I was given a light.  I was given a new perspective.  And although it wasn't the answer I wanted right then, it was the answer I needed.  The shift came in the form of something my pastor says quite frequently.  Most weeks it was a struggle to make it out the door to church, and once we got there trying to keep my child from screaming, running around, and generally wreaking havoc in the first few minutes of worship was a nightmare in itself.  By the time he got off to children's church I was spent.  I would sit in my pew just begging God to help me make it through another day.  I didn't know how I was going to keep on keeping on.  The first time I heard my pastor say, "Children are not a burden.  They are a blessing."  I wanted to get up and walk out right there.  "Ya, right.  Funny. Ok God, that's a good one.  Rub it in a little more."  But despite my mental protest, I tried to let that thought sink in.  I started telling myself in tough moments, "Children are a blessing, not a burden."  I started thanking God instead of complaining.  I started choosing to celebrate the tiniest good moments instead of crying over the other 23 hours and 38 minutes of chaos in a day.   And bit by bit, things got easier.  Has his behavior improved?  A little, but what has really changed is my attitude and outlook.  I realize that I have a very unique blessing in my child, and these challenges are preparing me for more doors of opportunity in the future.
  I just want to encourage you today.  Whatever challenge you are facing may not change or go away right now.  Believe me, I wish I could snap my fingers and make it all better, but as of yet that hasn't happened.  But I am resolved that no matter what obstacle I come up against as a mother, I will choose to see my child as a blessing, not a burden.  Begin today to speak positively over whatever struggle you are going through.  Know that God is working in you and through you to do something greater than you could ever imagine, and if you are willing to keep you chin up, keep going, and trust God to walk with you through it, you will come out on the other side a stronger, better, and more equipped version of yourself.
  If you are hurting right now, I am praying for you friend.  I know what it feels like to feel let down and jaded about life, but you are destined for greatness.  Don't let your situation destroy you.  Instead allow it to mold you into a gem.  I'm working through this life with you, and I can't wait to see you succeed!


Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Beach Life

  Where do you go when you need to recharge? Maybe it’s the beach or camping in the woods. For me, if I am near the ocean, I find myself relaxed, contemplative, and running on a slower time clock. There is something about just sitting and listening to the sound of the waves or walking the shore in the quiet of my thoughts. I quite literally need my vacations for the sake of my sanity. Spending time at the beach recharges my soul and helps me hash out my inner questions. But what do you do the other times of the year, when you’re not at the beach, when you can’t slow down and you feel like you can’t quiet your mind to think? I believe it’s vital for our mental, spiritual, and emotional well being for us not only to find a few times a year to get away but also for us to find ways to bring little bits of the peace and joy we feel there into our everyday lives.
  The second beach vacation trip I ever went on, my in-laws were gracious enough to let me pick out the coffee flavor for us all for the week. I picked out a rich caramel coffee with a smell that was overpoweringly delicious. It has been more than ten years since that trip, but every time I get a whiff of a bag of caramel coffee I feel like I’m back on that trip. Opening up a bag of caramel coffee and sitting on the couch drinking a cup in the morning gives me a sense of calm and happiness because I associate that smell with that trip.  Try to find something like this for yourself. It may be a comfy sweatshirt that you bought on your trip that makes you feel relaxed. Maybe it’s a certain lotion, perfume, or shampoo that you used on that trip. Find little things to take you back mentally to your quiet space, and when you need a little bit of calm on a busy day, get them out and use them. This is a little trick that doesn’t have to take up a lot of time but can help you power through when you need it.
  And if you don’t take time to get away at least once a year, I want to highly encourage you to do it. You don’t have to make it a super pricy trip; just find somewhere where you can get away and gain some peace and quiet and let go of responsibilities for a few days. Take a notebook, write, read, walk, think, and  rest, and you will reap a healthier mind, body, and soul which will lead to far more productivity than if you just continue to push through week after week, year after year.
  You owe it to yourself to be the best you can be, and sometimes that requires a little mental rest and relaxation. Whether you’re getting away for the week, or just tricking your brain into a mini vacation,  make recharging a priority in your life, and you will not regret it.


Monday, June 11, 2018

Get Moving

  Happy Monday Folks!  Ready to kick it into high gear this week?  I've got some hard hitting thoughts for you this morning, but stick with me.  I heard a really great podcast by Joyce Meyer yesterday which got me fired up thinking about a few things.  (Living Like a Superhero-Part 1)  In this audio she mentions the fact that there is a big difference between people who just don't know what to do and people who know what they should do and still choose not to do it.  She also makes the point that being passive and lazy is giving our authority over our life to the devil.  Ouch.  I don't know about you, but when I heard that I could think of a few things that I have been neglecting doing that I needed to get a move on.
  I believe that each of us are made with a great destiny or purpose in life.  Now, if you don't know what your purpose is, you aren't off the hook.  Your mission until you discover God's specific purpose for you should be to grow yourself through learning, reading, listening, and getting around mentors who can help you become more of the person you were meant to be. Your goal is to become the best version of you and help as many people as you can along the way.  And, if you do know what your purpose is but you aren't taking action towards it, don't wait another day.  Maybe your dream seems too big, too expensive, too far away.  Well, I've got news for you.  If God gave you a dream, He also gave you everything you need to accomplish it.  Let that sink in for a minute.  The only thing holding you back is fear and doubt.  It's time to break through that wall and get on your way to victory.   You can choose to change yourself, or you can wait until adversity forces you to change, and I can promise you, it's a lot better if you choose the first option.
  So, how do you break through that wall of fear and get on your way?  Well, start with a plan.  If you know you are supposed to open a restaurant, go back to school, start a non-profit, whatever it is, begin with making a plan.  It might be a five year plan to get the finances together, or a one year plan to acquire the right licenses or certifications.  Whatever you know you need, make a plan to accomplish it.  And here's the thing.  Things won't go exactly according to your plan.  And that's ok.  (My Way or the Highway)  Just by making a plan, you are putting faith in your purpose, and this is your first step through the Wall of Fear, as Bruce Wilkinson puts it (The Dream Giver).
  Ok, now that you've got a long term plan, it's time to plan your week, and write down specific actions you can take each day towards your goal.  You may need to fill out one college application a day, call five potential investors this week, or read about your subject for half an hour each day.  Whatever the action is that you need to take, plan it into your week and follow through!  If you need some help with planning your week, check out, How to Have a Good Week.
  Lastly, don't get discouraged.  There will be days when you will fail.  There will be weeks when you feel you aren't making progress.  Everyone has moments like that.  The important thing is to stay on track, keep your eyes focused on where you are going and not where you are, and keep pressing forward.
  God has created you with a magnificent purpose for your life, and there are people out there whos lives depend on your success.  One of my mentors likes to ask the questions, "Who loses if you don't win?"  Never think for a second that you aren't part of a great plan.  A.Z. Tozer says, "We can be in our day what the heroes of faith were in their day--but remember at the time they didn't know they were heroes."  (As taken from Girls With Swords by Lisa Bevere)
  You were made for awesome things.  Don't let this week pass you by!  I can't wait to see you succeed!


Sunday, June 10, 2018

My Way or the Highway

  I recently saw a production of Wicked in which Galinda remarks, "Something's wrong."  And when she is asked what, she replies, "I didn't get my way."  Now, this makes for a humorous quip in the play, but I'd be willing to bet that most of us feel that way inside when things don't go as we planned.  After all, if you worked hard enough to create a plan or even just laid out an outline in your head of how the day should go, it feels a bit unfair when things don't go according to plan. And many of us (myself included) resort to whining and griping and getting downright angry when our plans don't work out.  But there's something we all need to keep in perspective.  God has the Master Plan.  He knows exactly what's going on, and He may be using that delay in traffic to keep you out of an accident down the road, or maybe that hiccup at work will push you to seek out an employee you've never talked to before who might become a new friend.  I really do believe that everything happens for a reason, and if we will keep that in perspective, we will find changes to our plans a lot easier to deal with.  We need to become adept at adjusting to changes in plans, and we need to make sure we keep our attitude up when changes do happen.  Don't let changes to your day ruin your day.
  Let me give you an example.  I've told you before that I plan out my week in advance, down to the half hour; in fact, everything is laid out.  But here's what inevitably happens each week, a friend calls and asks to get together, my child has a meltdown, one of my son's therapists needs to change the time they are coming, the dog gets loose and we have to spend half an hour chasing her.  There are endless ways for the schedule to come unhinged in a week.  So I have learned to get good at adapting, at taking the unforeseen change in stride and moving on.  Here's how I do it:

1.  I know which things have to be done. 
Changes are a priority tester.  We all have those things we know we need to be doing to move forward towards our goal.  For me, I have three things that I feel God really wants me to focus in on this year:  Read, Write, Clean.  Now, you may think that's a pretty silly list, but those are my three "Non-negotiables."  Those three things must get done every day.  Why?  Because if I neglect those three things than I am not moving closer to my purpose but farther.  Then, there are obviously other responsibilities which I cannot just throw out the window.. my child, work, my husband, these things can't get put on the back burner.  They need attention each day, and that has to be a priority too, so if a change happens and something needs to go, I can tell you which things it won't be.

2.  I'm ok with things not being perfect.
I know this is a hard one for a lot of you.  If you want to get good at adapting to changes in your schedule, you have to be ok with not doing things perfectly all the time.  Here's an example.  Yesterday I was planning to pick my son up at 4:30 so I could get him home, fed, and showered for church, which I thought was at 6:30.  Halfway through the day I discovered that Saturday church actually starts at 6.  (I usually go Sunday's, but I was adjusting for another event which popped up on Sunday.)  I decided I would let my son get McDonalds on our drive to church, rather than cook dinner because this would enable us to get there on time still.  Crisis averted, until I got to his dad's house that is.  I pulled up to his dad's house at 4:30, ready to hit the road and book it back home to get my son ready for church, and there was no one there.  So, I drove to the barn, and the other barn, and then back to the house.  Still no one.  I called, and texted, and still nothing.  Fifteen minutes passed with no word.  Now, in the past I would have gotten frustrated.  I would have yelled and whined and made a big deal about the fact that they weren't there on time and that my plans were ruined.  But, I've grown and learned better ways of dealing with things.  So, when they arrived I didn't complain about them being late.  I chatted with his dad about the day and some of the plans for later on this week, and then we headed on our way.  On the way home I decided that since we couldn't possibly make it to church in time, I would put the live stream on the tv, make dinner at home, and we would eat dinner in the living room and watch the church service.  Do we normally eat dinner in the livingroom?  Nope.  Do we usually watch church on our tv?  No.  And do we ever eat dinner and have church at the same time?  Um, no.  But we did.  And you know what?  It turned out just fine.  And actually, my son got to hear the sermon since he couldn't attend children's church from our living room, and the notes he took from the service made my heart melt.  He was learning and processing information that I'm not sure he ever has before.

Now, here's the other key to successfully navigating unexpected changes to your schedule.  Keep a good attitude.  I cannot stress how important this is.  Having a negative, ungrateful attitude can ruin what God is trying to do in and through you with that change.  Stay positive, be flexible, and find a way to be thankful for life's little twists, and I promise you, you will gain from each agenda change rather than being miserable and frustrated about them.
  No matter what your plans are for the day or week, know that God has a greater plan and purpose than what we can see.  Stay open to His plan, keep focused on what's important, and keep a good attitude.  With those things in mind, you can handle any surprises the day may throw at you.  Make it a great day!  I can't wait to see you succeed!


Saturday, June 9, 2018

You Are Good Enough

  Ever felt like God couldn't use you or talked yourself out of doing something you know you should because you aren't good enough yet?  Many of us have an impression of ourselves that tells us we cannot help others or we cannot fulfill our destiny until we get ourselves completely perfect.  We feel like we can't be used for good if we still have flaws.  And I want to tell you that that thinking couldn't be farther from the truth.  Those thoughts are lies that the enemy uses to keep you from becoming all you were meant to be.  The devil would love it if we all stayed trapped inside our own heads, so focused on our own flaws that we never step out towards our dreams and never make an impact on the world around us.  But I want to tell you that you can help others now, right here where you are at.  You can make a difference no matter how flawed you are.  I'm not saying don't work on yourself, because that is important too, but don't let your fear of what you don't have right keep you from reaching out to encourage others.
  For me, there are many days when I want to write about a topic and then I think, "Maybe I shouldn't.  After all, I'm still working on that area of my life too.  How could I tell someone else to work on it?"  But just because I am not perfect in an area does not mean I don't have valuable insight and encouragement that could help someone else in their journey as well.   I can share what I've learned and what's helped me, and I hope that people know when I talk about a subject I do it from a judgement free perspective because I have battled that thing or am still battling it now. 
  What I'm NOT saying though are two things... One, I am not saying that you should be an expert in things you know nothing about.  There are some things I haven't worked on or had to face yet.  I cannot advise people in those areas because I have no knowledge of those subjects.  Don't be puffed up.  If you don't know, just admit it.  Don't give someone else wrong or bad advice just to try to make yourself look like you have all the answers.
  And two, do not go around broadcasting your struggles if you want to help others.  For example, maybe you are wanting to lose weight, but you have been struggling with it.  It's ok to tell your doctor or your close friend that you've been having trouble with it, but what is not ok is to go around shouting your struggles to the other people who are also trying to lose weight.  Then you become what the Bible calls, a "stumbling block."  You trip other people up and discourage them on their journey.  I don't know about you, but I don't want to be an obstacle on someone else's path.  So, if someone asks you for help with weight loss ideas, but you are not doing so great in that area, either just tell them you aren't quite sure and refer them to someone who can help them, or share with them what is working for you, which foods you find to be helpful or your favorite workouts, or some tips your doctor gave you.  Do not tell someone else who's struggling all the ways you found that don't work, why they can't do it, and how hard it is for you.  They don't need that right now.  All people need is your genuine love, concern, and a few tips that are working for you.
  So, seriously my friend, know that you are valuable and you have purpose, no matter how "good" or "not good" you are right now.  Everyone has something they can offer the world, and I believe we all can add value to others no matter what stage of our journey we are on.  Be the light you were made to be, and lift up others, rather than holding them down.  I'm in this with you, and I can't wait to see you succeed!


Friday, June 8, 2018

March Out of the Desert

  The book of Exodus in the Bible gives the account of the nation of Israel leaving Egypt and setting out on the journey to the Promise Land, a land God had set aside for them to claim as their own.  The journey from Egypt to the Promise Land is believed to have been a walking journey of about 11 to 14 days, yet the Israelites took over forty years to complete it.  In fact, with the exception of three men, not a single Israelite who left Egypt as an adult lived to see the Promise Land.  They all died in the desert.  This story seems tragic, and it is, but the most devastating part of it all is that the reason the Israelites did not complete their journey in the time it should have been completed, or even within their lifetime was that they were unwilling to follow what they knew God was calling them to do.
  We may look at this and shake our heads and wonder why on earth the Israelites did not follow through.  After all, they had very clearly laid out laws and directions which would preserve and protect them as a people if they followed them, and God even gave them a pillar of fire as a light and direction for them to follow.  But instead, they did things their own way, often which resulted in death, destruction, lack, and disappointment.
  The thing here that really gets me though is that so many of us (myself included) are like those Israelites.  We know we've been called to do or not do something, and yet we choose to go our own way, and we spend our lives being constantly frustrated by our lack of success.  We know when we are headed down the wrong path, but we choose to follow it anyway.  We know when we should stop wallowing in the desert and start marching towards our destiny, but we hold ourselves back out of fear or distract ourselves with meaningless activities until the opportunity has passed.  But if we are to truly become successful in life and build lifetimes filled with purpose, we must learn to break free from this cycle.
  If we are to learn to move toward our own Promise Land, we must first and foremost make the decision to do what we know is right.  Maybe for you it is going back to school or applying for that position, or maybe it's pushing yourself to work out and eat better.  Maybe you need to sign up for marriage counseling.  Whatever it is that you know you should do, do not delay any longer.  Stop being stuck in the desert.  Do not allow your life to pass you by while you sit an 11 day journey from what could be yours.  
  There is a life of promise waiting for you if you are only willing to pick up yourself and start marching towards it.  Stop ignoring what you know needs done, and begin pushing yourself to take action to do what's right.  You may just find out that your destiny is far closer than you think.
I can't wait to see you succeed!


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Too Tired?

Sometimes in life, your victories can be more exhausting than your trials. For example, today I spent the day with a good friend enjoying some great food and an amazing show. Would I rather do that than go to work or clean my house? Yup. Was I far more exhausted at the end of the day today than my usual days? You bet. But here’s the thing you need to remember. Just because you’re doing something you love in life, doesn’t mean you won’t get tired. The potential for burnout is there, and you still need breaks. Doing what you love will give you more energy and passion throughout the day, but it does not mean you are omnipotent. I would not be able to attend productions and drive to far away cities everyday of my life. I enjoy doing this, but it doesn’t mean I can do it endlessly.   If you are starting to feel a little burnt out with your daily routine, maybe it’s time to try a few of the suggestions below.

1. Schedule yourself some time off. Give yourself permission to rest. Plan it into your calendar. For me, Sunday’s are nap days. Between church and work I give myself a pass to take a nap, and I don’t feel guilty about it because it’s good for me, and it’s on my calendar. I can’t take naps every day and still get everything done that needs taken care of in a week, but I absolutely need my Sunday nap time so I can be refreshed and ready to take on the week. Don’t be afraid to give yourself a little R&R. After all, even God rested, so you know there’s something too it.

2.  Shake it up.  Maybe your office or your home needs a makeover. Maybe it’s time to change things up, move the furniture or paint the walls. Sometimes all you need to gain a fresh burst of energy is a little change of atmosphere. Buy yourself a new coffee cup or notebook and remind yourself of the little things in life. And if your routine is zapping your energy, try shaking that up too. Take a new route to work. Go  to the park on your lunch break. Try a new hobby after work. Get yourself out of your comfort zone a bit and start taking on some new adventures. You might find that Monday’s at the office look a lot more doable after Sunday’s at the park.

3. Know when it’s time to move on. Sometimes in life we become tired of where we are at because it’s time to move on. If you feel God is calling you to something new, don’t be afraid to let go of the old and step into the new. Hanging on to something past it’s time will only further drain you of energy and resources. You will find that being in the right place will give you a jolt of enthusiasm and make your days so much more enjoyable.

  You aren’t meant to live in a state of exhaustion and discouragement. If you’ve been feeling worn down, take some time to give yourself a rest, change up your scenery, or jump into something new altogether. You were made for an abundant life. Go out there and live it!


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Looking Back

  I'm feeling a bit nostalgic today because someone reminded me that this week marks ten years since I graduated from high school.  And this morning I took some time to sit down and really take that thought in (remember yesterday's talk...Take It All In?)  I thought about all the things I believed I would have accomplished in ten years.  When I was 18, I thought that as soon as I got out on my own that life would be easy.  It wasn't.  I thought that as soon as I graduated college my money problems would go away.  They didn't.  And I thought that becoming an adult would somehow make my life perfect overnight.  And of course, that didn't happen.
  But let me tell you what did happen.  I grew up.  Little by little, over the last ten years I've been becoming a better version of me.  Day by day, through struggles and triumphs, I've learned who I am and where I fit in the world.  I've found purpose, meaning, and a whole lot of love.  Was it easy?  Nope.  Do I have it all together?  No.  And do I have everything I thought I would ten years from graduation high school?  Definitely not.
  But here's what I do have.

Forgiveness.  There's nothing like a divorce, rejection, betrayal, and mistakes to teach you who you really are and test the limits of your ability to forgive both yourself and others.  But, you know what?  I'm ok.  And my life is great.  And I can live in harmony with my past because I've learned to live and let live and to forgive and move on.  I'm not perfect, and neither is anyone else.  I can give grace because I've needed grace many times.  Making forgiveness a way of life is the quickest way to rid yourself of unnecessary burdens and grievances and free yourself to live guilt free.  

Purpose.  I've tried out a lot of jobs in the ten years since I've graduated from high school.  I've done finance and food service, teaching and care giving.  I've done multi-level marketing and cashiering and supervising.  I've dipped my toes into a lot of fields of work, but what I've learned is that God has a much bigger plan for me outside of my job.  My job is not my life.  It simply facilitates my life for now.  I've also learned that my job does not control me, and if it does not bring me peace, then I can let it go.  And because I have a sense of purpose, I know what to prioritize my time for and to not sacrifice time towards projects that do not move me closer to my goal.

Faith.  Sometimes life is hard, really really hard.  Losing a child is hard.  Losing close friends is hard.  Having a child with a behavioral disorder is exhausting.  But I've learned through every up and down that God is faithful.  There are so many times I have asked God, "Why?"  And even though I don't have all the answers, I know that He is working all things together for my good, and I don't have to know it all to believe God is good and He loves me, and He has a plan and purpose for my life.

Confidence.  When I was a teenager, I had so many insecurities.  I cared about what people thought of me.  I was told I was "too white,"  so I didn't wear shorts.  I was made fun of for my sense of style.  And people's hurtful words stuck to me.   I was rejected for the music I liked and the color I dyed my hair.  Often times I rebelled and did the opposite of the norm simply because I felt I could never live up to everyone's expectations.  But over the last ten years, I realized that none of those people's opinions mattered.  I learned to listen to the right people, and as my mentors would say, "Go where you are celebrated, not tolerated."  I learned to cut the wrong people out of my life and to stand up for myself.  I'm not afraid to speak out, even if my opinion isn't the popular one.  I dress how I like, and if people don't like it, that's ok.  I give myself permission to be me and to let other people's negativity roll off my back.

Hope.  I truly believe that the best things lie ahead of me.  I'm not afraid of what tomorrow holds because I have dreams and goals, and I believe God has a purpose for my life.  He's not done with me yet, and I can't wait to see what I will learn, do, and be in the next ten years.

No matter where you find yourself in life's journey, take some time to reflect.  Are you where you thought you'd be?  If not, it's ok.  It's never too late to start moving in the right direction.  Life is a process, and we are all working it out in our own time.  I hope you know you are amazing, and God can do great things with your next ten years as well.  I can't wait to see you succeed!


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Take It All In

  Want to know something I've noticed about successful people?  They take inspiration from everything... people, circumstances, songs, books, nature, the back of a cereal box etc.  Seriously!  You would not believe the things people can come up with from such unorthodox places.  But, success minded people realize there is something to be gained in each and every moment, and they don't waste opportunities.  You too can learn to recognize and utilize wisdom and inspiration from every part of your day to day life.  It just requires a little bit of thought and focus.  Here are some tips to get you started.

 1.  Be in the moment
     Ok, I know we talked about this yesterday, so I'm not going to harp on it.  You can check out that information here...(Wishing Well), but, it is so important to be present.  Do you know how many times a day I realize that I missed half or all of what someone said because I was thinking about something else?  This is a habit that has to be broken if we want to make the most of the time we have.  Learn to be present and take in your surroundings. A great way to do this is through a sensory exercise.  Stop what you are doing and ask yourself these five questions:

       "What do I see?"
       "What do I hear?"
       "What do I smell?"
       "What do I taste?"
       "What do I feel?"

    This is an exercise which is often used to help those with anxiety, A.D.H.D. or other emotional disorders.  Doing this helps your brain to slow down and process information in a new way.  Learning to do this regularly can train your mind to become more observant of things around you.

2.  Take time to process
     Not only is it important to become more observant, it is vital to take time to think about and process the things your see, hear, feel, taste and smell.  Take time on a regular basis to just sit and think.  Having think time will prove to be a very valuable asset on your journey towards success.  Your brain takes in a lot of information throughout the day, and it is essential to your growth that you make time to process what you are learning.  (For more on this, check out Press Pause.)

3.  Write it down
    The last step in all this is to make sure you write your thoughts down.  After all, if you observe something really cool, sit down and think about it in a whole new way, but never write it down, most likely you will not remember it down the road when you might need it.  By writing things down you help solidify those memories even further in your brain, and you have the thought on paper to come back to it when you need it.  I also keep a running list of ideas in my phone.  Whenever an inspiring thought hits me, I jot it down for later.  I hate that feeling of knowing I had a good thought and not being able to remember what it is.  Spare yourself the frustration of forgetting, and write things down!

  Now that you've got some action steps, go out there and start making the most of your time and opportunities.  Become an observer.  Think about what you see, hear, taste, smell, and feel, and lastly, write your thoughts down.  These three steps will help you on your journey towards success. I'm learning with you, and I can't wait to see you reach your goals and dreams!


Monday, June 4, 2018

The Wishing Well

  Ever find yourself wishing it were next month?  Or next year?  Or next paycheck?  A large portion of life is spent waiting, in the in between time.  And waiting is not easy.  Believe me, I'm not great at it.  Sometimes waiting is excited waiting... like when your birthday is coming or Christmas.  Sometimes waiting is frustrated when the loan hasn't gone through on your house or you haven't found that new job you want.  It seems that at every point in life we are waiting on something, whether good or bad, and since that's the case, we should get good at being patient.
 If we are willing to stop and really take in our surroundings and just be at peace with our waiting, we will see there is a lot to be learned and enjoyed during our stretches of wait time.  Just as a long commute can be a time waste, or you can utilize it by listening to audios which will help you grow personally or advance your career, you can use the times when you are waiting to waste your life or to maximize the time you've been given.  Maybe the delay on your house is giving you a few extra weeks to save up for the closing costs.  There's always growth to be attained in every season of life, and as Joyce Meyer often says, "If you don't pass the test, God will let you take it again."  I don't know about you, but I don't like retesting.  Make a habit of asking, "What is it I should be learning right now?"  and then embrace whatever challenge you need to overcome.
  If you find yourself in the fun waiting phase of life right now, use this time to boost your happiness and that of others around you.  Use your excitement to find things to celebrate each day and pass the time enjoying your wait.
  Lastly, I want to leave you with an important thought my Pastor shared with our church this week.   Remember that your life is not somewhere out there in the future.  It's right here and now.  There is a plan and a purpose for you right where you are at.  Don't waste your whole life thinking, "Next month I'll do this, or when I retire I'll do that."  Live in the moment and make the most of each day. You were meant to do great things!   I can't wait to see you succeed!


Sunday, June 3, 2018

You've Got What You Need

  I want to share with your a brief snippet from one of my favorite books, The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson, and I hope that if you haven't read this book you will get yourself a copy and read it ASAP. There are so many amazing truths in this book, but they are conveyed in such a down to earth way, and every time I read it I gain more perspective.  But here's the thought I want to share with you today.   To set the scene for you, the main character, Ordinary has left his home in Familiar and set out in pursuit of his Dream.  However, he finds himself wandering across a seemingly endless Wasteland for days on end, and his resources slowly dwindle to nothing.  One morning, he wakes up to find a person sitting near him.  Her name is Faith.  Here's where the conversation takes place.

          "'My name is Faith,' she said.  'The Dream Giver sent me to help you.'
            'But it's too late!' cried Ordinary.  'My Dream is dead.  When I needed the Dream Giver most,             he was nowhere in sight'
            'What do you need that you haven't received?'  asked Faith.
            'Well, if it weren't for the few springs of water I found,' answered Ordinary, 'I'd be dead of                    thirst by now!'
             'Yes? And?' she asked.
             'If it weren't for the fruit I found, I'd be a walking skeleton!' he replied."

       (The Dream Giver;  Chapter Four, Ordinary Enters the Wasteland by Bruce Wilkinson)

  Now, Ordinary feels he has been slighted because he did not have an abundant supply of food and water as he thought he should, but what Ordinary failed to realize is that he had exactly what he needed, exactly when he needed it so that he could continue his journey and not perish of hunger and thirst.  We may find it funny reading this little caption, because it is apparent that Ordinary has missed the truth of the matter, that the Dream Giver was providing for him all along and helping him walk through his trials.  However, I think often times we miss these same signs in our own life.  We tend to be like Ordinary and feel God has abandoned us when things don't go the way we think they should.  When the promotion is taking too long, or the illness seems it won't go away, or our family troubles seem as if they are only getting worse, we need to take a step back and realize that God is still there with us in the midst of our trials, and if we will let Him, He will use our obstacles to make us even stronger and prepare us for bigger blessings than we could have even imagined. If you are in the Wasteland right now, take comfort.  God knows exactly where you are, and He has perfect timing and provision.  Take a step of Faith today, and start to look at your obstacles as opportunities.  We may not always understand our struggles, but God knows what we need and when we need it, and He will always come through for us.  Don't miss your blessings because you're too busy complaining about your situation.  I'm praying that no matter what phase of your journey you are on that you walk through it with boldness, determination, and a heaping of gratitude backed by faith.  I'm out here with you.  I can't wait to see you succeed!


Saturday, June 2, 2018

Progress Report 1.0

  Ok all my free-spirited friends out there.  Say this with me... "Routines are my friend."  Yes, I know, just the thought of a routine makes me cringe a little bit.  After all, routines are dull and boring right?  But truth be told.  The way to take your game to the next level is to get into a routine.  Routines are essential for everything in life, from personal growth to good skin care.  Why?  Because routines create habits, and habits, over time, create lifestyle.  I don't know about you, but I have a whole lot of lifestyle I want to create, and that means I've got a whole lot of routines I need to adjust to, and I'll be honest.  This is one I'm still progressing on myself.  I haven't mastered sticking to routines, but I do have a handle on the basics of creating and implementing them, and there are two things you need to know to generate effective routines in your life.

1.  Routines must be simple.
  When I get up in the morning I have a very simple routine.  Let out the dog; start the coffee; let out the other dog; read and pray; let out another dog.  Now, admittedly, the most complicated part of this routine is walking to the door multiple times to let out multiple dogs, but, the point is that, every morning I basically do three things to start my day:  drink coffee, let out dogs, and read and pray.  I rarely ever miss a morning of reading my Bible and spending time in prayer, because it's part of my routine.  It's how I start my morning.  I've built this into my life as an essential component, and starting my day without it just seems wrong.  I have a habit which I've created by making my reading and praying time a part of my routine.  Additionally, I don't make my reading and praying time overcomplicated.  I read a few chapters of my Bible and a daily devotional.  I usually spend a few minutes in prayer and journaling, and I move on with my day.  I keep it simple.  There have been times in the past when I attempted to add multiple extra steps to my Reading and Praying routine such as memorizing a verse, praying specific prayers, or reading multiple books, and although all these are good things, they overcomplicated my routine, and pretty soon I was skipping over it because it was too overwhelming.

2.  Routines must be repeatable.
  If you plan to create a routine that you can stick with on a regular basis, you must make sure it is something you can do over and over.  For example, I might be able to go out and run ten miles one day a week, but I do not have the time or the muscle strength to do ten miles every day.  I would be exhausting myself, fatiguing my muscles, and neglecting other things which need done.  This would eventually cause me to skip or give up this routine all together.  However, it's much more repeatable for me to do a ten minute workout daily.  By picking something within my range of achievement, and choosing a time which is manageable, I give myself the ability to easily repeat this action day after day.  Similarly, if you want to start a reading habit, do not set a goal for yourself to read one book every day.  Try starting with ten minutes.  This is a habit you can repeat daily without too much trouble.  Once you have gotten the hang of this, and it is an established routine in your life, then you can begin to increase your reading time from there.

  Not only will routines save you time, but Michael Gerber goes as far as to say that, "systems permit ordinary people to achieve extraordinary results predictably.  However, without a system, even extraordinary people find it difficult to predictably achieve even ordinary results."  (As taken from The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John Maxwell)  Start today to create simple, repeatable routines in your life.  These will form the basis of your habits and help you create a life full of achievement.  I can't wait to see you succeed!


Friday, June 1, 2018

Take Inventory

  Ok, so I want to talk to you about something that might seem kind of basic, but it's a crucial component to moving forward no matter what goal you have in mind.  You need to take an inventory.  You have to have an idea of where you're starting from to get a good picture of where you want to go.  And when I say, "take inventory,"  I mean everything.

You Finances:
  Start to get an idea of where you sit financially.  Get a record of everything you have (or don't have) so you know what you're working with or working towards.  After all, if you want to pay off your debt but have no idea how much you owe or to whom, you will be shooting at an obscure target.  It's time to get definite figures down on paper or computer, whichever you prefer.  Then, keep your numbers updated.  Track and update your figures monthly, and compare your standing to last month.  How much did your savings grow?  Are you on track to hit your target at this end of this year?  How about in five years?  Ten?  Retirement?  You will never know if you don't take an inventory of where you are.  It may be scary.  Maybe you've been putting it off because you know things look bad.  I encourage you to get honest with yourself.  This will only spur you in the right direction.

Your Health:
  Are there some health goals you know you've been slacking on?  Maybe you know you need to lose a bit of weight for your health, but you have been afraid to step on the scale and find out just how much.  Maybe you need to quit smoking, cut back on sugar, or start exercising.  Get a fitness journal, app, or just a plain old notebook and take stock of where you're at.  Maybe you need to track your eating for a while to see where you are falling short.  Maybe you need to take a look at how many steps you're actually taking in a day so you can set yourself a goal to improve.  If you don't know where you are at, it's hard to get a feel for where you want to go next and how to get there.  You have to have a starting point.

Your Personal Growth:
  In order to grow as a person, you have to truly analyze yourself and see what areas need improvement.  If you aren't good at this maybe seek out an honest friend or coworker who could nudge you in the right direction.  Often times others can see the things in ourselves that we fail to see.  For example, maybe you know you need to brush up your public speaking skills, but you've been putting it off.  Getting some honest feedback from a boss or class mate on what exactly you need to work on could give you some direction.  Maybe you know you need to read more or meditate.  Give yourself a time audit to see where you are spending your time and how you can adjust this to do more of what needs done.

  There are so many more areas of life that we could delve into and talk about gaining a starting point to move forward from, but I suggest you start with these three and start actively making strides forward.  We could all benefit from becoming more organized and getting a better handle on what we have.  Start taking your inventory today, and set yourself a goal to move on to the next level.  I can't wait to see you succeed!


Thoughts for Today


  It's Sunday night. You've finally done it. You've created the perfect plan. You've meal prepped and time blocked; you'...